Looking to make delicious smoothies that will help you reach your weight loss goals? Here’s a look at the best liquids to use as a base for your smoothie recipes!

Looking to make delicious smoothies that will help you reach your weight loss goals? Here’s a look at the best liquids to use as a base for your smoothie recipes!
Tomatoes are fruits that are often overlooked. They are packed with nutrients and provide a number of health benefits. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of tomatoes and provide three delicious tomato smoothie recipes for weight loss! Tomato Benefits...
Pineapples are a great source of vitamins and can make your weight loss journey more delicious. Below are 3 pineapple weight loss smoothie recipes. Enjoy! Pineapple Smoothie Pineapple has been widely used for weight loss; why? Because it is a low-calorie fruit with...
Have you ever thought “I’m so in the mood for a Big Mac today”? After which you are immediately flooded with a feeling of guilt and that little voice in your head tells you to stop while you’re ahead. So you do the “right thing”...
The fast food industry has been getting a bad rap in recent years, taking the blame for contributing to health problems like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. It’s no wonder when many of fast food menu choices are high in saturated fat, calories, and...
The theory behind a detox diet plan is that our bodies and organs accumulate toxins through years of eating the wrong foods, breathing in polluted areas and drinking water which have chemicals in them. By going on a detox diet, we’ll be able to flush out the nasty...
You wouldn’t think that what you drink throughout the day would affect your weight all that much but if you take a real close look you will see that it can and does! Do this little experiment and you will see what I am talking about; don’t drink anything but...